Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What is Terrorism?

The definition of terrorism changes from person to person. Some may say it is religious extremist, other think they are general acts of terror against innocent people or non-combatants. Wordnet, describes terrorism as "The calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or force or instilling fear." This definition is beautiful short and sweet it sums up acts that have been committed through out history.
In France the Jacobins employed violence via mass executions to intimidate and compel obedience to the state. When the Jacobins where in power they killed any who opposed them by Guillotine. However some argue that because they were in government they believe that it was no longer considered terrorism and terrorism was more focused toward non-governmental groups. In the US around 1850's there was a man named John Brown he demanded that violent and aggressive means would be necessary to change the minds of those for pro slavery. They did not see this as a terrorist movement even though it was, because the elements for terrorism was there he used fear for ideological goals. The meaning of terrorism should be sectioned into different groups or categories. This way the whole world will have a basis on dealing with terrorism. First we must identify the terror.

But once identified how must we react, to control this violence?


1 comment:

  1. This question has already been addressed on this blog (you cannot repeat information) and your post has little to do with economics. And it is late. 5/10
