Friday, November 26, 2010

terrorisim and why it exists by Dawn Tahani

What are common motives behind terrorist attacks? and how does it weaken aspects of the country?

         Economics comes into play in this topic. Economics is all about choices and also based on trade, based on giving for getting and getting for giving. In this world we try our best to work hard to earn some sort of  money to buy things we need. We need incentives such as money or a raise to keep us motivated and make us want to work harder. 
         This to a normal person seems reasonable, but lets step inside the mind of a terrorist. What do they want most in life? They want to go to heaven, the want to know that all of their "hard work" will pay off. Their incentive is heaven. The main motive behind terrorist attacks are based on power and money, this is always the case, but those individuals who choose, who give up their lives to complete this action have a different motive, and that is to go to heaven.Alot of money is spent on recruiting potential terrorists from a supply-heavy market of poor, desperate, and angry youth with little to lose
            " From an economic standpoint, terrorism has been described to have four main effects
.First, the capital stock (human and physical)of a country is reduced as a result of terrorist attacks. Second, the terrorist threat induces higher levels of uncertainty. Third, terrorism promotes increases in counter-terrorism ex-
penditures, drawing resources from productive sectors for use in security. Fourth, terrorism
is known to affect negatively specific industries such as tourism." (Alberto Abadie { Harvard University and NBER
Javier Gardeazabal { University of the Basque Country)
                 Also a concept known as gun or butter also relates to this topic as well. Many countries that support terrorism spend more money and effort on training them and spend less time on growing crops and devoting more time on fixing their  country and governmental  issues.  They choose to spend more time and money  on military supplies ans bombs rather than grow food to keep the country flourishing and help aid the citizens that are suffering from these selfish acts.

Is it set to a certain religion or culture? or where did terrorism orignate from?


Friday, November 12, 2010

Terrorism by Shaan Khilnani


Terrorism is violent acts which are intended to create fear and are perpetrated for a religious, political or ideological goal. Terrorism has been practiced by a wide range of political organizations. Many people are innocently killed and brutally tortured. The war in Iraq and Afghanistan has been going on for many years now and hasn’t been stopped. More and more troops are being sent to Iraq and Afghanistan to risk their lives in the horrific war and some families members have died. War and terrorism isn’t right and should be stopped. Many terrorists are threatening other people and torturing them openly. People are frightened to death because they don’t know what might come their way. Being attacked is wrong and all the wars should be stopped.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

terrorisim affecting people by Dawn Tahani

Does terrorisim and the result of terrorist acts affect people that are far away from the attack?

On september 11th 2001, hijackers crashed 2 commercial jets into twin towers of World Trade Center; 2 more hijacked jets were crashed into Pentagon and a field in rural Pa. Total dead and missing numbered 2,9922, 749 in New York City, 184 at the Pentagon, 40 in Pa., and 19 hijackers. Islamic al-Qaeda terrorist group blamed.
 This is one of the most recent tragic terrorist attack that occured in America. Although 9 years has passed by people are still affected by the horrific outcomes of this tragic incident. Although terrorist attacks happen all over the world and happen in all different ways by different people this incident happened to be a very big story.
Terrorisim is just like bulling, people are mean and commit selfish and manilpulative acts to get to where they want, and to get what they want. People acts this way and as a result others are affceted due to it. For example the terrorist attacj on sep 11 in 2001 affected peopel from ll over the united states not just New York. It affected familes and freinds not jyst those who dies. It affected people in middle eastern countries that now are looked down on and feared by others. It affected me a american citizen for so many years. I did not even tell people where i was from, because i was afriad they would be scared of me or not want to associated with me. That attack also placed a sterotype on certian people of a certain race and religion.

What are common motives behind terrorist attacks? and also how prominant is it throughout the world?

Introduction to International terrorisim

           My  interest in this topic is to better understand terrorist motives and find out just who are the real terrorist of this world. In order to get to that, we must first understand the concept of terrorism, which would be considered concepts of political discourse are hardly models of clarity, but there is general agreement as to what constitutes terrorism(josh gomez).
            Terrorism has been practiced by a broad array of political organizations for furthering their objectives. It has been a part of world history since the begining of civilization, and recently in 2001 America had its own tragic terrorist attacks. This time is was commited by a grop of people who were extremists and said they did it in the name of their god(shaan k).
           This topic intrests me personlly because i am middle eastern and after all these attacks poeple look down on me and my religion because they were ignornat, yet i also understood because they were scared. I have always beeninterested in why epoeple do what they do and terrorism sees to be so violent and uneeded but the fact is that peopel use acts of violent to get what they want. Similiar to bulling, just to a more extreme level. It seems very interesting to see how different forms of terrorism are around the world. How there are different types is relgion, political aspects, and between rivilry countries.
Types of behavior of terrorisim:
( dawn t  and brandon b)
            All of these differnet aspects of terrorisim and how it affected by the choices we all make relates to economics and also relates to our everyday lives. This makes it interesting for all of us to research and learn more about what and who and where this all takes place and learn facts about it and put the questons we have in good use.

Economic Post 1

By Joshua Gomez

When you think of terrorism what do you picture? A majority would say weapons, Al Qaeda, and mass destruction. What if that wasn't the group to be pointing fingers at?
The picture above displays an ironic and insightful look at how terrorism and the powers behind it can be seen with different eyes. The media plays a big role on creating ideas for us and planting thoughts into our head. Personally, I find it interesting that this image allows the freedom of thought and imagination. It allows me to explore my political views.

My goal is to better understand terrorist motives and find out just who are the real terrorists of this world. In order to get to that, we must first understand the concept of terrorism, which would be considered concepts of political discourse are hardly models of clarity, but there is general agreement as to what constitutes terrorism. The economy plays a major role in terrorism. For example, if a country wanted to they could make the trading process of goods into a terrorist action. This would cause a huge stoppage on importation of products. Prices for the U.S consumer would be skyrocketed because of non imported products affecting consumers rights to purchase. the government would be forced to set higher standards and implement a monitoring system on other countries. As a point of departure we may take the official United States Code: "act of terrorism" means an activity that -- (A) involves a violent act or an act dangerous to human life that is a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or any State, or that would be a criminal violation if committed within the jurisdiction of the United States or of any State; and (B) appears to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by assassination or kidnapping. By knowing the motives of a terrorist organization we can figure who's putting the pressure on society, is it politics? Is it poverty and the diminishing economy? or is it something deeper?

U.S Article Code On Terrorism: