Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How should we overcome Terrorism? How do we eventually put a a stop to the Influence? by Joshua Gomez

I don't feel that it is possible to completely abolish terrorism, however reducing terrorism can be done. If we focus on educating the youth, then we can get an early start to spreading knowledge and information to the people. To put a stop to terrorism we must start where influence and the media tower over, the youth. The youth can protect the nation once taught the right way of their surroundings. If American schools integrate a curriculum on security and equal opportunity to the youth then we may have a chance at a positive outcome in subsiding terrorist influence on the young. The more knowledge given to the youth, the more insight they can process in dealing with influences, threats and so forth. Overall, we can't officially put an end to terrorism however, we can put a stop to the increasing number of prejudices that embark terrorism for example knowing about the different social classes. If we informed the youth on how to not discriminate whether rich or poor we still have an equal opportunity to go there and pursue our dreams, we can also assist each other rather than dismiss each other. Or not understanding one's religion/ethnic background. When many people aren't used to their surroundings they'll go into a primitive mode where no one is equal, everyone is just ready to push each others buttons, i feel if we knew more about people and understood each other as humans than there would be less tension between racial and social standpoints.
I personally feel that if we are informed on a modern day topic at school, and are granted the ability to voice our opinions or debate then we can become a more informed society for the future since really the future of the economy rest in the hands and minds of our generation. I would say that if the generation were more informed on economical standpoints, then we would be ready for any roadblock in the path to stability.

Reference: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=4117248&page=1

Why do people become terrorists? By Shaan Khilnani

Many people become terrorists because some hate the United States; others hate the way we live, and our government. The first reason why many people become terrorists is that they are dedicated to their cause religion. The religion Islam, which is not a terrorist religion, but the terrorists make it out to be that it is. Islamic rebellious groups do not like the Jewish religion, since the United States has allied itself with Israel that make the U. S. a prime target for terrorism. These people are bent to convert people to their ways, even harming people. Terrorists use weapons of mass destruction to blow up a particular area at a specific time. Some terrorists are fighting for a religious cause. Others are just doing it for the purpose of ruining other people’s lives. They don’t see the damage it can cause for countries and innocent people.


How do terrorists come up with great plans?

Why do terrorists target certain groups?

Friday, January 14, 2011

what would you do? Dawn Tahani

what would you do? Dawn Tahani

What would you do at the sight of a terrorist attack?

            A couple days ago we were talking about a situation in class where a person was walking down a dark alley way, and whether they would turn around and run or whether they would keep on walking. whether  they would judge the person who was following them or simply not judge.
           Economics is all about choices and what we choose to do in that situation will help us decide what the best action is for us, for the self interest of each person.
           We all i think would want to be the best person and do the right thing, but doing the right thing often times might put our own lives in danger and it is known that humans or any other animal does what ever they can to protect themselves from harm. If there was a terrorist attack for an example.
~ run
~ stand up to them
~ nothing
~ protect your friends and family
            There are an ample amount of ways to go at this topic, but most of us due to selfish human nature would try our best to run away from the situation, or give in to not get hurt. This is interesting because it allows us to have a choice but that choice is made after we take a quick analyzing view of the situation that is occurring.
           There is a quiz that was developed by The America Prepared Campaign, a non-profit group organized to help Americans prepare for a terrorist attack and other emergencies, to learn what you need to know in order to protect your home and your family. It is interesting to see what the resluts are for each person. 

Would you judge a person from their race, color, or way of lifestyle? Do you think that the choices we have are based on what society has trained us to think, our "gut" feeling?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What is Terrorism?

The definition of terrorism changes from person to person. Some may say it is religious extremist, other think they are general acts of terror against innocent people or non-combatants. Wordnet, describes terrorism as "The calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or force or instilling fear." This definition is beautiful short and sweet it sums up acts that have been committed through out history.
In France the Jacobins employed violence via mass executions to intimidate and compel obedience to the state. When the Jacobins where in power they killed any who opposed them by Guillotine. However some argue that because they were in government they believe that it was no longer considered terrorism and terrorism was more focused toward non-governmental groups. In the US around 1850's there was a man named John Brown he demanded that violent and aggressive means would be necessary to change the minds of those for pro slavery. They did not see this as a terrorist movement even though it was, because the elements for terrorism was there he used fear for ideological goals. The meaning of terrorism should be sectioned into different groups or categories. This way the whole world will have a basis on dealing with terrorism. First we must identify the terror.

But once identified how must we react, to control this violence?
