Friday, December 3, 2010

Why do terrorists attack only certain countries?

Terrorists are smart. They are sneaky in what they do and sometimes people don’t know what move there going to make. Only a small percentage of terrorism is based upon religion, though many people believe that to be the primary cause. They do not only target US and Europe. Other Muslims, the ones they don't agree with, are targeted much more frequently than the U.S. and Europe. Israel is also a significant target of terrorism. The main reason that the U.S. and Europe have become targets is that we support the fewer major governments' efforts to fight terrorism, not always their methods. Terrorists have their own way of attacking certain people in certain places. They use tactics and certain weapons to overcome their job. Terrorists are causing harm by scaring people and religions. There armed with heavy artillery and they use their power to hurt. They have motives and can’t control the way they act. Some countries are being taken over by terrorists and they are starting a war in some places. We need to stop the violence that goes on in these countries and spend more time helping one another instead of targeting a particular place.

Why do terrorists act the way they do?

How were terrorists raised? Were they treated poorly when they were younger?

1 comment:

  1. You make it sound like all terrorists are Muslim. You don't include enough economic analysis.
