Does terrorisim and the result of terrorist acts affect people that are far away from the attack?
On september 11th 2001, hijackers crashed 2 commercial jets into twin towers of World Trade Center; 2 more hijacked jets were crashed into Pentagon and a field in rural Pa. Total dead and missing numbered 2,9922, 749 in New York City, 184 at the Pentagon, 40 in Pa., and 19 hijackers. Islamic al-Qaeda terrorist group blamed.
This is one of the most recent tragic terrorist attack that occured in America. Although 9 years has passed by people are still affected by the horrific outcomes of this tragic incident. Although terrorist attacks happen all over the world and happen in all different ways by different people this incident happened to be a very big story.
Terrorisim is just like bulling, people are mean and commit selfish and manilpulative acts to get to where they want, and to get what they want. People acts this way and as a result others are affceted due to it. For example the terrorist attacj on sep 11 in 2001 affected peopel from ll over the united states not just New York. It affected familes and freinds not jyst those who dies. It affected people in middle eastern countries that now are looked down on and feared by others. It affected me a american citizen for so many years. I did not even tell people where i was from, because i was afriad they would be scared of me or not want to associated with me. That attack also placed a sterotype on certian people of a certain race and religion.
What are common motives behind terrorist attacks? and also how prominant is it throughout the world?
Proofread please! Make sure to relate this to ECONOMICS! :) More extensive research will give you more to work with. 8.5/10